Myth Busting: What Your SMB Should Know About Cloud Security

Female hand holding a paper cloud cut out

The cloud has changed the way traditional businesses run—no more using paper and storing files in cabinets. Cloud-based applications have been on the rise, and for good reason. Cloud apps are more convenient, they’re updated automatically, and they can be accessed from anywhere.

Despite these advantages, some business owners are still hesitant to move to the cloud because of common misconceptions floating around cloud capabilities or cloud security for SMBs. Let’s take a closer look at four common myths about cloud computing for SMBs.

Myth 1: Cloud Computing Isn’t Safe or Secure

One of the biggest concerns business owners have is cloud security for SMBs. They worry that their data will be less secure in the cloud than it is on-site.

But cloud computing can actually be more secure than on-site data centers. And leading cloud providers have teams of security experts working around the clock to help keep data safe. 

They also have the resources to invest in the latest security technologies and implement sophisticated security measures, such as firewalls and data encryption.

Some cloud security benefits include the following:

  • Ongoing cloud maintenance
  • Constant security updates
  • Regular data back-ups
  • Built-in firewalls

On-premises data centers, on the other hand, are often understaffed and usually don’t have the same levels of security cloud providers offer.

Myth 2: My Business Is Too Small to Benefit From the Cloud

Many SMBs think that because they are small, they can’t justify investing in the cloud to run their business. But that’s simply not true.

Cloud solutions are available to businesses of all sizes. And they can be particularly beneficial for SMBs. The cloud not only stores important data, but it also offers cloud security for SMBs that protects from cyberattacks that could cost your business over $25,600 a year.

Another danger SMBs face is going out of business should a disaster strike. More than 60% of SMBs face the risk of going out of business within six months due to a data breach. Many of these small businesses did not have a strong cybersecurity strategy in place to prevent or handle these attacks.

Hackers pose a serious danger because they attack any business, regardless of size. It is important that business owners take preventative measures to secure their data by choosing cloud security solutions for SMBs.

Myth 3: The Cloud Is Too Expensive

People often think the cloud is more expensive than on-site data centers. Yet when you compare the cost of on-site data centers and the cloud, you get surprising numbers.

On-site data centers, excluding frequent maintenance checks and monthly server fees, can cost your business between $1,000 to $2,500—and your company may not even need all of the equipment. And after paying the large upfront cost, businesses have to invest in monthly server maintenance fees. Not to mention, servers quickly become obsolete as newer, better models are released on the market. 

In many situations, the cloud can actually be cheaper than on-site data centers. That’s because you only pay for the resources you use and don’t have to worry about the initial costs of hardware and software.

Myth 4: Cloud Computing is Complicated

Some business owners may be intimidated by the cloud and worried about effective adoption across their many operations. However, the cloud is actually very user-friendly. It’s designed to be easy to use and many of the features can be learned quickly. You can also find plenty of help both online and from your cloud provider.

Additionally, moving over to the cloud can be done in manageable chunks, which makes the process simpler. You can start with small tasks, such as storing customer data or sharing files, and then gradually move on to more complex applications.

Cloud Benefits for SMBs

Now that we’ve busted some common myths about the cloud, let’s take a look at some of the benefits your SMB can experience by migrating to the cloud.

Data Recovery

If your business is hit by a natural disaster or you experience a power outage, you’ll still be able to access your data in the cloud. That’s because it’s stored off-site on servers that are usually located in different parts of the country.

So, if your on-site data center is damaged, you can still retrieve your data from the cloud and continue running your business.

Flexibility and Scalability

Now that many businesses offer remote work, the cloud makes accessing data easy. All you need is a reliable, safe Internet connection.

The cloud is highly scalable, which means you can easily increase or decrease your use of resources as your business needs change. This can save you money and help you avoid overbuying resources that you don’t need.

Increased Productivity

The cloud can boost your productivity by giving you access to the latest tools and applications. You can also collaborate with other team members remotely, which can help get tasks done faster.

Companies that have switched to the cloud have seen an increase in efficiency of 18.8% and even grown by 19.63%. Having more efficient systems in place due to the cloud can also give your company a competitive edge.

Partner with eDMTec for Cloud Security for SMBs

Don’t let the myths about cloud security for SMBs hold your business back. When it comes to choosing a partner for your cloud needs, partner with a trustworthy IT provider. eDMTec is a leading provider of secure cloud solutions for businesses of all sizes. Our team of experts will work with you to ensure your data is safe and secure.

Contact us today to learn more about our cloud security solutions for your SMB!